i met abigail in compass point today to buy $5 exchange gift . i phoned tricia and she asked me to help trina and her buy too so i agreed . we shopped around to have a few choices of what to buy . but i couldnt decide laa . its like not more than $5 one means its not like $5 gift . and worst is , i have to buy three different one . i took a long time to choose then abigail was like , can faster anot . HAHAHA :D . she was pissed off waiting for me laa . sandra called to ask us reach church earlier coz she's already there and she's alone . in the end , i bought a cup , photo frame && towel . feeling quite hungry we decided to packet hotdog bread to church to eat when we met jan . she was also going to church so went went together . abigail didnt wanna take the bus so cabbed down luhh . then the rich rich abigail paid . we sat at the stairs to eat when linette , lillian , theresa , stacy and sandra came to look for us . i wasted the bread laa , ate only half then threw away the rest . heeh :) . was time to register already . went to the table registered our name , gave them the gift for exchange and got a christmas hat . i received a present from sandra . cool right . then we went in the santuary and went crazy . jamie was taking photos and obviously , we were posing laa . HAHAHA :D . josh kept blocking our faces . when it was starting , sandar and vincent were hilarious on stage . we had some ice breaker games then worship and games again . after our games when we were still thinking of forfeit for the losing people , we heard a scream from no where then then lights suddenly went off . no one knows what will happen laa . and i screamed . damn dumb right . zhi liang came in , in a policeman suit . there was a murder case and we're suppose to solve it .
we had fun running around finding clues and questioning the suspects . at first , we had all answers the same when we questioned the suspects . but slowly , we started to get answers we needed . i was scared alot of times , screaming here and there . HAHAHA :D .time was up and we didnt solve the case . just anyhow filled up the blanks and handed up . a short skit was then acted about the murder scene . uncle gim choon came to give us a talk . it was time for supper , chatted outside and ate many many donuts . we shared them of coz . have to head up to room 3-1 after that for gift exchanging .we were each given a present to hold on and then must listen clearly to the story . when the narrator say left , we had to pass the present to the left , and when she said right , we had to pass it to the right . new way of exchanging gifts . i got chocolates ! MERCI yeah . time to get washed up then if wanna watch movie , return to the room .changed and went to watch Evan Almighty . funny and nice show laa . quite enjoyable . when the movie finished it was like already 3am plus plus . we didnt wanna sleep so chatted throughout the night . slept only at around 5am plus , left like 2 hours of sleep . SUNDAYnext morning , tricia woke up early and started waking everybody up . so super tired laa . all had to wake up , get prepared and go for service . had breakfast before going into the santuary . olivia was totally crazy speaking in korean language . repeating the same sentence over and over again . funny laa .during service , almost all the youths were sleeping laa ( including me ) . service was like quite long today , dont know why . after service i went to level one . received a number of gifts . was actually waiting for mummy . daddy was suppose to fetch us to my uncle's house to go for family gathering and swimming . changed into costumes and went down to swim . only swam for like awhile coz it started to rain then one of my cousin got allergy so rash luhh . bathed and went up . we watched 881 while having dinner . i was sleeping during half the show , anyway watched before already what . hahaha :D .
they had a dart board at home , so we played with the darts . calculating each's score to compare here and there . we're lame laa , but that's what so fun about it . had to go home soon so we all left . daddy drove us home . slept in the car again laa . like pig luhh , go everywhere also sleep .
audi-ed at home with my brother then bedtime . ending here , post again tomorrow .